Pray about it.

Prayer is way more than “that thing you do before you eat when people are around”. It’s more than a good night ritual. It’s you talking with the God of this universe who loves you, believes in you and gave His life for you. It changes everything… when we pray.

That’s why, every Wednesday night, we set aside time to pray.

For one hour, in the auditorium of our physical location on Summer Avenue, we pray. There aren’t a bunch of “things” going on. We simply take time to guide everyone there in prayer. From “thanking God” to “confessing” to “listening”… we pray. We take time to specifically pray for any and every need that people have… we pray. Then, each time we gather for prayer, we take communion together reminding us that the reason we gather, the reason we’re connected is because of what Jesus has done for us.

You are welcome to join us any Wednesday night at 6:30PM. There’s never any reason to sign up, but, if you’d like to get a simple reminder each week about MidWeek Prayer, simply click the button below and sign up for it.